Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation and a form of hands-on healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive…
Chakra Clearing
Clearing the seven chakras and making sure they are all aligned and open. We will discover what is the reason behind the chakra(s) being closed off or not as open. They each govern specific aspects of our inner being, and together they make the subtle components of people. The physical body has a connection to each of the seven higher chakras through plexuses of nerves along the spinal cord and in the cranium.
Private Yoga Session
Hatha Yoga sessions that are tailored to your specific level and needs. The goal of yoga is meditation and movement and to enhance the ability to awaken the awareness of the peace that resides within each individual soul…
Jamie Star
Jamie has been practicing healing modalities for a little under 10 years and has loved every minute of it! She grew up having energy work in her everyday life. She chose to be a healer when she saw how much it had greatly helped her overcome physical, emotional, and mental challenges. Jamie is a reiki master, spiritual guide, yoga teacher, theta healer, birth doula, medium, and tarot card reader. Jamie recently received her Masters in Social Work.