
Have you ever felt tired after a full nights rest? Feeling anxious and can’t pinpoint where it’s coming from? Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation and a form of hands-on healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, or not flowing freely, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high and flowing unrestricted, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. A session has been known to feel like an ebbing and flowing wave of energy. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and well-being. Many have reported miraculous results. At Jamie Star Healing we look at the person for a full point of view; the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental elements that can cause discomfort. With our backgrounds of a variety of different healing modalities under our belt we bring experience into our session that is unique and effective.

Availability: Jamie Star (30min & 1hr)


Distance Reiki

Are you a nervous traveler, having anxiety about leaving your home, or just in need of some healing but can’t come in for a session? A reiki session can be done from a distance for either you or a loved one that is open to the healing. It will be a 45 min session that prefers the recipient to be in a comfortable and quiet place, but this is not a requirement. At Jamie Star Healing we look at the person for a full point of view; the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental elements that can cause discomfort. With our backgrounds of a variety of different healing modalities under our belt we bring experience into our session that is unique and effective. We believe that physical distance is not something that can stand in the way of healing energy.

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Are there beliefs about yourself that are keeping you from experiencing you true happiness in life? Does your family have a history of trauma that you feel is effecting your life? Theta Healing is a mind/body technique that uses the energy that flows through all things to produce instantaneous and permanent change at the cellular level. This results in physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation. In Theta Healing, we connect with the Creator of All That Is to co-create changes: this is why the transformation has perfect integrity and is always done in the highest and best way. At Jamie Star Healing we look at the person for a full point of view; the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental elements that can cause discomfort. With our backgrounds of a variety of different healing modalities under our belt we bring experience into our session that is unique and effective.

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Private Yoga Session

Want to engage in yoga but are not ready to go to a class? Have you had a recent injury or been away from practicing yoga that you need some more TLC than you would receive in a normal class setting? Private Yoga sessions is a route that enables everyone to recieve the benefits of the yoga practice in the safety of a one-on-one Hatha Yoga sessions that are tailored to your specific level and needs.

1 hour and 15-minute Hatha yoga class. The goal of yoga is meditation in movement. Yoga enhances your ability to awaken the awareness of the peace that resides within each individual soul. All that is needed is stretchy clothes and a blanket or yoga mat to lay on.

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Are you under the illusion that you are not the meditating type? Do you need instructions in order to begin meditation? Would you like to know that all people have the ability of some form of meditation, with private meditation lessons, you receive meditation instructions that are tailored to you as an individual. The most powerful muscle we have is the mind. Personalized meditation practice to help with whatever circumstances you may have. Can be coaching first time/ beginners at meditation to more advanced students with a specific goal in mind. This service includes breathing exercises (Pranayama), mental visualization, and positive affirmations. At Jamie Star Healing we look at the person for a full point of view; the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental elements that can cause discomfort. With our backgrounds of a variety of different healing modalities under our belt we bring experience into our session that is unique and effective.

House Cleansing

Have you ever moved into a new place and felt the lingering energy of someone else? Want to make a space your own? Energetic house cleansing using sacred herbs to clear your living space and invite in good energies. Allows all those who live there to vibrate higher and at a better level, with more mental clarity, and open-heartedness. House cleansing is known to make the people living there feel a sense of overall lightness and protection. At Jamie Star Healing we look at the person for a full point of view; the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental elements that can cause discomfort. We know that the energy of where you live has a huge impact on your quality of life. With our backgrounds of a variety of different healing modalities under our belt we bring experience into our session that is unique and effective.

Chakra Clearing

Clearing the seven chakras and making sure they are all aligned and open. We will discover what is the reason behind the chakra(s) being closed off or not as open. The chakras according to the Vedas; are fourteen great nerve centers in the physical body, in the astral body and in the body of the soul. Seven Chakras of higher consciousness and Seven Sub-Muladhara Regions. Chakra is translated to ‘wheel’. These ‘wheels’ of energy are actually regions of mind power. They each govern specific aspects of our inner being, and together they make the subtle components of people. The physical body has a connection to each of the seven higher chakras through plexuses of nerves along the spinal cord and in the cranium.


Readings done by Jamie to help answer any questions or concerns that you would like to be channeled from spirit/the universe/pure love energy. These questions can be answered on the psychic, mediumship, or angelic plane, using various tools (such as cards and pendulums) to answer them.

Psychic & Mediumship: Connecting with souls that have passed to the other realm, they have separated from their physical body, and are now acting as guides. Asking them to send you clarity and trust in your intuition that they support and send to you.

Tarot/Oracle Card: Using cards to answer, visually, any questions you may have or gain clarity on the challenges that you need to work.

Angel Communication: Communicate and learn how to see the signs your angels are sending you as well as how you can speak with your guardian angels directly.

Spiritual Consulting

One-on-one meeting with a spiritual consultant who will help guide you along in your own journey. Come prepared with a pen and paper, a willingness to read, and an open mind. The path of self-discovery and learning is vitally important to addressing how we find our strengths and how to work with these natural gifts we possess to lead fulfilling lives. Our practitioners individualize each session to accommodate the type of learning that works best with each person, whether that is visual, audio, reading, or physical practices.

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Birth Doula

A trained labor companion that provides the birthing person and their partner trained emotional support, physical comfort and acts as an information assistant before, during and after childbirth. A birth doulas’ main goal is to help create the best birthing memory possible for the family. They understand that childbirth is a key life experience that the family will remember for the rest of their lives. Preserving the integrity of that memory is the doula’s greatest achievement. Doula’s provide various services such as; two prenatal visits and one postpartum, an objective viewpoint if necessary, assistance in gaining information to make well informed decisions, facilitates communication between the birthing person and their partner and medical personal, and understanding the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of the birthing person in labor. 

Call to make an appointment for an initial meeting.